
Minggu, 13 November 2011

Benefits of Apricot Fruit

In Latin, apricot fruit called plum Armenia . According to research, it has a content of carotenoids is high, even above the average of other fruits. These antioxidants can help prevent heart attacks , reduce the level of cholesterol bad in the body , and reduce the risk of cancer of violence. In addition, nutritious apricot seeds to strengthen the respiratory system so that it can reduce cough and asthma . But should diketahu that apricot seeds tip of a concentrate containing a chemical element which can cause imbalances in the body so must be avoided.

Apricot fruit also has a high enough fiber can be used as a reliever as diarrhea or constipation. While in China, the fruit is commonly used to assist the regeneration of body fluids, detoxifying, and healing remedy for thirst.

When concluded, the following nutritional benefits of fruit and apricots:

  • Reduce cholesterol and risk of cancer
  • Strengthens the respiratory system and reduce the risk of coughs and asthma
  • Diarrhea and constipation reliever
  • Assist the regeneration of body fluids, detoxifying, and healing thirst.

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