
Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Benefits of Ambarella (Spondias dulcis Forst)

In Southeast Asia called: kedondong (Indonesia & Malaysia), hevi (Philippines), gway (Myanmar), mokah (Cambodia), kook kvaan (Laos), makak Farang (Thai), and co'c (Vietnam). Kedondong originated from South Asia and Southeast Asia. This plant has been spread throughout the tropics.
Ambarella is a crop of fruit that comes from the family Anacardiaceae. The types of kedondong superior potential and is widely planted by farmers include kedondong Publications, kedondong bangkok, and kedondong Kendeng. Kedondong Karimunjawa kedondong whose fruits are giant / super. Ambarella production can occur throughout the year. Fruit oval shape with a weight of 0.7 to 1 kg / fruit.
The benefits of superior cultivars of sweet fruit kedondong eaten in a fresh condition, but most of ripe fruit is processed into jams, jellies, and fruit juice. Boiled and dried fruit can be stored for several months. Many raw fruits and vegetables used in salad, as well as to make pickles. Young leaves are used as vegetables steamed. Fruits and leaves are also used as livestock feed. The wood is light brown and easy to float, can not be used for construction timber, but is sometimes made boat. Known in various parts of the world's various medicinal benefits of fruit, leaves and bark, and from several countries reported any treatment of ulcers, sore skin, and burns. Every 100 grams of edible fruit that contains 60-85 grams of water, 0.5 to 0.8 grams protein, 0.3 to 1.8 grams of fat, 8 to 10.5 grams of sucrose, 0,853,60 grams of fiber. The pulp is a source of vitamin C and iron; immature fruits contain about 10% pectin.

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Benfits of Star Fruits

Latin name Averrhoa Carambola fruit is certainly not foreign to us. Elliptical with strong ribs of five years with a fresh taste sweet, very tempting. In international circles, the result is known as star fruit. This is because the appearance of the fruit to the horizontal cut that looked like a star.

Fruit from India or Sri Lanka, not only is grown in Southeast Asia, like Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, but also known in the countries of sub-tropical climates, such as America and Australia. This is because the star is sweet fruit and easy to grow in places with an altitude of 000-500 m above sea level with high rainfall and got a lot 'of the sun.

Fruit that can flower throughout the year and collected three times a year also has a brother in starfruit fruit or vegetables starfruit (Averrhoa bilimbi). You feel more mature and widely used for seasoning dishes, especially to give a sour taste in food.

Sweet star fruit is effective as antipyretic and expectorant, so it can be used to treat cough in children. The fruits that contain high amounts of vitamin C has benefits such as antiinflasi, analgesic and diuretic, so it is good for healing coughs, ulcers, sore throat, fever over, to overcome the problem of diabetes and cholesterol. Its vitamin C content is high even for cancer patients consumed. The roots of sweet fruit star is also believed to cure headaches and joint pain. While the leaves can be used to treat stomach ulcers, inflammation of skin ulcers and ulcers.

Despite many benefits for patients with kidney disease should be careful with this fruit because it contains a lot of oxalic acid which is harmful to them.

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Benefits of Pineapple

Origin of the pineapple
The origins of the pineapple plant from tropical America, namely Brazil, Argentina and Peru. At this point, the pineapple has spread around the world, especially around the equator between 300 N and 300 LS. Nature Botany pineapple grass is very short petiole. Pineapple is a monocotyledonous plant, and is (shoots of young trees).
A. leaves and branch leaves are very long, veined, parallel, and spines on the edges grow upward (toward the tip of the leaf). To disappear in some varieties of pineapple, pear began, but the thorn at the tips of the leaves is often still visible. The leaves appear and accumulate at the base of the stem. On stems and flower stems grow shoots often grow. Suckers on the trunk, while the bud on the stems of the fruit is slippery.
b. The flowers bloom at the tips of pineapple plant stems and flowers only once in the direction perpendicular to the surface. In fact, pineapple and floral combination of more than 200 non-traditional flowers. Position of flowers sitting on the main stem of the fruit develops, and then a compound fruit is good to eat. Leaf sheath of each bud, known as the eye can still clearly left their mark on the fruit. Flowers are the perfect flower has three petals, three crowns, six stamens and three stamps with scars branched. Pineapple plants cross-pollinate with the teaching of singing birds and the bees. Pineapple crop is not seasonal, but can bloom at any time. However, there is a tendency to cold, especially at night with low temperatures, solar radiation, can promote the flowering of pineapple plants.
c. Fruit Pineapple is a fruit compound called sinkarpik or coenocarpium. The top of the fruit grows short leaves swirl like a crown-called (crown) is arranged.
D. Plant roots take deep fibers and contain little water. Pineapple roots flat and wide. Use fresh pineapple delicious eaten ripe and sweet, but some are sweet, sour taste. The fruit matures in the throat, itching due to high oxalic acid content. Ripe fruit can be made or beverage cans. The leaves can be processed into fibers (wire) is good for clothing. Substances in fruit brome lain, which is a solver of protein (meat tenderizer) include, but below the papaya diet proteolysis. The leaves have long fibers, but had not been used as clothing. Pineapple plants require Macroeconomic plains in the Highlands 1200 meters. These plants are not resistant to snow, but very resistant to drought. However, terrestrial plants prefer fertile, moist climate with a rainfall 1000-2500 mm per year. The cultures were resistant to acid soil, which has a pH of 3-5, but the best is Nature soils of pH 5 to 6.5. Therefore, the pineapple plants as well developed in peat lands. Pineapple plants are grown outdoors, but can grow up big tree shade. But in the open, which gets hot sun, the result is often lost. In areas dry winter (4-6 dry months), the plants were still able to pay off, provided that the water depths between 50-150cm land. This is due to shallow roots, but the system must be able to store water.
So far, the spread of plants, pineapple plants that had spread from the base of the trunk. But sometimes spread sucker also briefs and the crown. Trunk and crown of flowers can be cut and divided, which are used as seeds. Between seedlings, stems and buds of the Crown, there are differences in the physiological age of flowering and production. At the top of the plant, age, production costs and lowers longer. However, at the age of flowering plants no problem, because of the pineapple to grow flowering plants began to give substance that can be made between hard metal and Ethel 40 RMP. Fresh flowers crowns or plants are planted directly without first planted. However, it should be left for a few days before planting. This is a smooth closed the wound as quickly establish itself first. High-yielding varieties of high yielding varieties, which have not been released, but many varieties have been developed. The cultivation of pineapple plants with 2-2 developed an online system. Each line in a distance of 60 cm x 60 cm and 150 cm distance. However, pineapples are planted 30-40 cm, even remotely. The closest distance of the result, plus the fruit is produced. For the purposes of the canned fruit industry are generally small (a distance of 30 cm x 40 cm) cylindrical necessary.
The benefits of pineapple
the fruit contain nearly 90% of the water in it. With its abundance of potassium, calcium, odium, sulfur, chlorine, acid, biotin, vitamin B12, vitamin E and the enzyme brome lain. With abortion, so many turned out to be useful in treating the disease.

Supports digestion / wound
Pineapple fruit is rich in brome lain, an enzyme that useful for the throat and helps digestion. The enzyme brome lain digest protein in the food and prepare it to be easily absorbed by the body.Bromelain helps the healing and the / swelling inflammation in the body.

Strengthen the immune system
Pineapple is a nonessential amino acids and essential contribution to strengthening the body's immune system to overcome fatigue and improve endurance and energy. Valise and leonine substances in pineapple is also needed by our body for growth and repair of muscle tissue. This substance is one of the materials necessary to maintain the energy level of our body. On-essential amino acid compounds, praline, it is important to preserve the function of joints and tendons as well as strengthening the heart muscle. In addition, pineapple contains cosine, which is useful for the formation of skin and hair. Cosine also helps slow the aging process.

Pineapple fruit was to streamline the body and is very good for a diet program. The trick is a fruit that is ripe pineapple, peeled not to give and to clean. Cut if necessary and then juice or grated, then hit the water. Juice drinks the water, without any mixture, does it twice a day.
There are more of the other benefits included in the pineapple. However, from its benefits, rather there was a side effect of this fruit. First, the pineapple abortive young or potentially as a drug that can stop the uterus. Second, the gastrointestinal tract, pineapples fermented into alcohol. This could result in a relapse of rheumatism and arthritis. And third, ripe pineapple contains blood sugar levels are quite high. Diabetics should not be excessive pineapple.

Pineapples have side effects
although the pineapple has many advantages, it turns out, there are also side effects from the pineapple when consumed excessively.
First interrupt the uterus. It's a myth that eating pineapple can cause the death of a young belly said. Some studies say young pineapple as a potential drug content. It is therefore recommended that pregnant women consume no more pineapple youth.
Second increase in blood sugar. Ripe pineapple, which contain a sugar content high enough shot. People with diabetes should not be excessive pineapple.
Third Cause of rheumatism. Some studies in the process of digestion pineapple, alcohol, fermentation can lead to arthritis. For patients with rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation it should limit their consumption of pineapple.

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Benefits of Water spinach

There are two types of carbon, namely, kale Rabut (1), with slippery leaf-shaped arrowhead and a pale green and white flowers with a bag containing four seeds, and kale gathering (2)with broad leaves, thin dark green and purple white flowers.

Inside are Kangkung vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene hentriakontan, and sitosterol.Based on research, the materials contained Kangkung services for the treatment of various ailments and as an antidote.

Benefits of Rambutan

Benefits of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum)
is a tropical crop and horticultural fruit crops in the form of a tree with family Sapindacaeae. This tropical fruit crops in the English language is called Hairy Fruit came from islands in Southeast Asia. The word "rambutan" comes from a fruit that has skin like hair. Rambutan numerous in tropical regions such as Africa, Cambodia, the Caribbean, Central America, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Until now has spread out in tropical regions such as the Philippines and Latin American countries and found also in the mainland which has a sub-tropical climate.
Rambutan, a source of vitamin C is very good. Rambutan fruit relatively high levels of vitamin C, one class with an orange that has been known widely as a source of vitamin C. Besides vitamin C, rambutan fruit also contains other vitamins such as niacin, thiamin, and riboflavin. The minerals contained in the rambutan are a lot of potassium, calcium, iron, and phosphorus. Fibber content of food is also quite high, namely 2.8 g per 100 g of fruit flesh.
Types and levels of sugar per 100 g of fruit flesh are glucose (2.8 g), fructose (3.0 g), and sucrose (9.9 g). In addition, rambutan fruits also contain acids, such as malic acid and citric acid, each with levels of 0.05 and 0.31 g per 100 g. The combination of sugar and acid is exactly what causes the rambutan has a fresh sweet taste.
Besides this fruit contains carbohydrates, protein, fat, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamin C. Fruit skins contain tannins and saponins while the seeds contain fat and polyphenols and its leaves contain tannins and saponins.Bark contains tannins, saponins, flavonida, pectic substance, and iron

Efficacy and Benefits Rambutan - Rambutan is one of a multi-use plants. All parts of this plant, from the bark, leaves, seeds, until the roots, can serve as a drug. Bargaining power is also remarkable. Fever, gray, dysentery, sprue, to diabetes, can be remedied with the right herbs.
The types of rambutan fruit that grows in Indonesia are: ropiah, simacan, sinyonya, lebakbulus, and binjei. For you who want to plant this fruit is very easy
there are three ways in reproduction is by planting seeds, sticky buds, or transplanted. Rambutan plant parts that can be utilized as follows: fruit peel, bark, leaves, seeds, and roots. Detail the benefits of fruit rambuatan are as follows: Rind: to overcome dysentery, fever Bark: to overcome the sprue Leaf: to overcome diarrhea and discolour hair roots: to overcome the fever Seed: to cope with diabetes (diabetes mellitus) For drugs taken, there is no dosage recommendation. See the example usage below! For external use only, minced leaves until smooth, then add a little water. Use water to feelings of greying black hair. Example - example usage: Dysentery. Wash the skin of rambutan fruit (10 pieces), cut into pieces as needed. Add three glasses of drinking water, and boil until the water remaining half. Once, cool, strain and drink twice a day, each three-fourths cup. Fever. Wash skin that has been dried rambutan fruit (15 g). Add three cups water, and then boil until boiling for 15 minutes. Once cool, strain and drink three times a day, each third section. Discolor grey hair. Wash the leaves of rambutan to taste, then mash until smooth. Add a little water, stirring until evenly into dough like mush. Squeeze and strain with a piece of cloth. Use the collected water to wet the hair of the head. Do it every day until you see the results. Diabetes. fried rambutan seeds (five seeds), then milled to a powder. Brewed with a cup of hot water.After chilling, drinking water as well. Do it 1-2 times a day Sprue. Wash rambutan bark (three knuckles), then boiled in two cups of water until remaining one glasses. Use it to gargle while warm.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Benefits of Salacca

Salacca fruits (Salacca edulis) is one of the tropical fruits are much in demand by the Japanese, America, and Europe. The fruit has a high nutrient content and can be consumed as fresh fruit or processed as a sweetmeat. The flesh of this fruit contains calcium, tannins, spooning, and falconoid.

One of the benefits of fruits is as diarrhea medicine. The way is to consume 20 grams of meat pieces are still young.

One of the benefits of fruits is the diet can help, content of nutrients and phytonutrients in the fruits are potentially helpful diet program. Inside the fruits are as much as 2 mg of vitamin C, tannins, and fiber. We know that fiber can provide a feeling of fullness or satiety for longer because it takes time to be absorbed by the intestine.

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Benefit of Sprouts can prevent Cancer

In America, 1 in 5 deaths caused by cancer. Based on data from the American Cancer Society, cancer deaths in women are dominated by breast cancer by 19 percent, 16 percent of lung cancer, and colon and rectal cancer 15 percent. Ali Khomsan

Meanwhile, the dominant male cancer as a cause of death was lung cancer (34 percent), cancer of the colon and rectum (12 percent), and prostate (10 percent).
Diets rich in fat in epidemiological studies indicate a strong link with the emergence of breast cancer or colon cancer. Low fat content and high fiber intake as on a vegetarian diet is known to cause the low incidence of cancer.

Certain hormones may be partly responsible for the appearance of tumors. This hormone expenditure triggered by high fat consumption. For example, the hormone prolactin (serum) that stimulates tumor growth was increased when our diet is rich in fat.

Foods contain substances causing substances (promoters) and preventer (inhibitors) as well as cancer. The extent to which achieved a balance between the two components will greatly determine whether we will be at risk of getting cancer or not.

Alcohol may act as the cause of cancer through various channels. First, alcohol is directly toxic to the cell body. Secondly, alcohol can be a vehicle to be boarded kokarsinogen. Third, alcohol causes immune system disorders. Alcohol is a direct cause of cancer is still questionable scientific evidence. However, it seems no doubt that alcohol can be a promoter of tumorigenesis.

The immediate cause of cancer seems to remain difficult to detect. This is because the appearance of cancer that requires a relatively long time after a certain eating pattern is applied. However, given the epidemiological evidence linking dietary habits (food habits) a group of people with cancer incidence, lessons can be drawn about the need to watch your intake of nutrients derived from natural food, and consumed as needed to taste the body.

All cabbage belong to the cruciferous group, this group is known because the content of sulforaphane and indoles its efficacious as anticancer. Research on indoles proved its ability mendeaktivasi estrogen metabolite that causes tumors, especially in breast cells. At the same time indoles increases specific compounds that are protective against cancer.

In addition to suppressing the growth of tumor cells, indoles also can reduce the metastatic process of cancer cells. Metastasis is the movement of cancer cells to other parts of the body resulting in the spread of tumor cells.

Meanwhile, sulforaphane served to increase the role of the enzyme responsible for detoxification. With the optimal detoxification, cancer-causing carcinogenic substances can be more quickly removed. In addition, the study of sulforaphane and its effect on tumors in mice showed that sulforaphane causes tumors grow more slowly and weighed less. Sulforaphane can cause apoptosis (cell suicide of cancer) in leukemia cells and melanoma.

Many people already know the benefits of eating plant-based foods, like vegetables and fruits are rich in phytonutrients (plant nutrients). Phytonutrients can prevent cancer because it serves as an antioxidant, which can prevent the body's various cell damage caused by free radical attack.

A study at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA, which involved human samples of more than 1,000 people revealed that those who diligently eating vegetables may reduce the risk of colon cancer by 35 percent, while those eating cabbage can reduce cancer risk 44 percent. While studies in the Netherlands with a sample of more than 100,000 people are relatively the same result, namely vegetable consumption may reduce colon cancer risk 25 percent, cabbage can reduce the risk to 49 percent. This confirms that the role of cabbage as a vegetable anticancer reliable.

Cabbage can reduce the risk of lung cancer by up to 30 percent in the non-smokers. In the group of smokers, better yet, that reduce the risk of lung cancer to 69 percent. So, this could be good news for smokers, if it can not stop smoking do not forget to always eat cabbage as a vegetable friend rice.

Until now there has been known to cause cancer drugs and is also quite diverse. Detection of cancer often too late to rescue become increasingly difficult. Therefore, preventive efforts should be an advantage to overcome cancer. This is where nutrition plays a vital role to offer prevention process so that the deadly disease can be avoided.

Eating cabbage may not be a guarantee that you will be free of cancer. However, at least risk for developing the disease becomes smaller due to nutrients and other substances in the cabbage has been proven efficacious for health.

Familiarize yourself eating cabbage 3-5 serving per week is highly recommended. One serving equals 1 cup. Choosing cabbage are grown organically clear will bring greater benefits for organic vegetables contain phytonutrients higher. In Indonesia, organic vegetables can now be found on supermarket-specific self-service. It's just that the price is still relatively more expensive and its availability has not been so extensive.


Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Benefits of Mangoes

Mango or Mangifera Indica is a fairly well-known fruit, rich in nutrients for good health. Mango is one of the seasonal tropical fruit is delicious and is believed to originate from the sub-Himalayan plains of India.
Mango fruit is still green easy and will change color to yellow or golden when ripe.
Fresh ripe mango contains about 82 percent water, 41 mg vitamin C, and energy / Kal 73 calories per 100 grams. In every 100 grams of young mango, mango is still raw? contained approximately 84 percent water, 65 mg vitamin C, and energy 66 Cal. Energy in young mango low because more starch-containing substances, which will turn into sugar in the ripening process.

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Benefits of Watermelon

Favorite fruits including watermelon in the summer. Water content is high and the sweet taste makes it a choice of fresh muzzles. Watermelon is also rich in antioxidants, glutathione, which is plentiful in fruits and vegetables are colored red. Antioxidants have been proven effective in preventing various types of diseases.
It is not known with certainty since when watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) began bred, but according to historical records, this fruit has been known for thousands of years ago by the Egyptians (seen from the pictures that exist at the tomb of pharaoh hierogliph).

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Benefits of Grapes

The grapes have long been famous as a fruit that has a special and memorable taste great, but used to make beverages wien a high flavor of wine is also usually in the form of direct consumption gbuah fresh, otherwise it anggurpun used as cheese and processed into raisins as a mixture ingredient of bread.
In terms of content anggurpun fruit contain vitamins and compounds that function to the health of the body, among the benefits contained in the seeds, bark and fruit are as follows:

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Benefits of Bananas

Bananas for our health benefits are numerous, but not the least among us who do not know what are the benefits of bananas for health. Before outlining the benefits of bananas more detail, the author will inform the nutritional content of bananas.

Nutritional content of bananas
Benefits of bananas can not be separated from the nutrient content of bananas include:

Rabu, 30 November 2011

Benefits of Oranges

Orange is a very popular fruit around us. For this reason, knowledge about the benefits of citrus essential for our study because the nutrients contained in citrus fruits are very good for health and can prevent various diseases.

The benefits of orange reflected in a fresh taste. Oranges contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and essential fiber that can not be produced by the body. With the content of these, one of the benefits of orange is to maintain endurance and balance the body to remain normal.Selain contain various nutrients, oranges also have benefits for preventing chronic diseases such as cancer , cataracts, and cardiovascular.

During this lime is only known to have vitamin C . In fact this fruit contains essential nutrients that are very good for the body like carbohydrates , calcium, potassium, folate, thiamin, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, niacin, copper, pantothenic acid, etc..

Citrus fruits contain no fat, cholesterol , and sodium. Oranges contain only the simplest form of carbohydrate in the form of glucose, sucrose, and fructose. So for you who have problems with weight or is undergoing a diet , do not have to worry about eating this fruit.

Another benefit of grapefruit is to help slow the gastric emptying process, since oranges contain non-starch polysaccharides that often we know as dietary fiber. Given this, the orange can maintain satiety longer. It also can lower blood cholesterol levels.

To meet the needs of dietary fiber for the body, you can eat 1 orange per day. Each medium-size orange contains about 3.0 g. dietary fiber

Benefits / Usefulness of Other Citrus
In addition to some of the benefits of orange above, orange still has some other properties as follows:
  1. Orange juice can help cure a fever, bleeding disorder resulting hemorrhoids, help reduce excess acid in the blood, urine smooth, etc..
  2. Oranges can be used to treat bronchitis, asthma , colds, and indigestion by making a sweet concoction of orange juice, salt, honey, and a little pepper.
  3. Sweet orange peel can help to soften skin and remove freckles. You can make a decoction of sweet orange peel and drink one drink per day on a regular basis up to three months.

Senin, 28 November 2011

Benefits Of Cucumber

Efficacy and benefits for the Health and Beauty Cucumber. Cucumber Fruit Often also called a fruit or vegetable cucumber cucumber, but has the scientific name Cucumis sativus usually frequent in eating as a salad in general. 

Cucumbers are Cucumis sativus has the scientific name has long been known as a complementary food: fresh vegetables, mixed pecel, made ​​pickles, or drink fresh cucumber juice are also used as a vegetable cook cucumber mixed eggs. 

Rabu, 16 November 2011

Spinach Vegetable Benefits

Nutrients found in vegetables Spinach is: a form of iron Fe2 + (ferro), if the spinach too long to interact with the O2 (Oxygen), the Fe2 + content in spinach are oxidized to Fe3 + (ferri). Although both iron, which are beneficial to humans is ferro, ferri other that is the case with pesticides. So do once in a while to warm spinach that has been pemasakkan in the form of food.

In general, the spinach can improve the performance of the kidneys & digestion. Spinach leaves is used to clean the blood after childbirth, strengthens hair roots and treat low blood pressure, poor blood (anemia) and kidney failure. In addition to the above benefits, spinach has properties to prevent loss of sight due to age to age (macular degeneration), disease, cancer , cataracts and birth defects. Spinach is a source of great lutein and folate, which helps prevent heart disease & babies born with disabilities. the folic acid content in spinach is also able to protect heart muscle from higher rates of glucose containing soluble and B9. This vitamin is usually a supplement for pregnant women to protect babies from defects in the nerve. Benefits of Spinach, weakening the formation of gallstones rich in magnesium as well as spinach, fish, dry beans Almon, avocados, bananas, raisins. Vegetable spinach provides iron Anti-anemia but iron in spinach is not easily absorbed.

Minggu, 13 November 2011

Benefits of Apricot Fruit

In Latin, apricot fruit called plum Armenia . According to research, it has a content of carotenoids is high, even above the average of other fruits. These antioxidants can help prevent heart attacks , reduce the level of cholesterol bad in the body , and reduce the risk of cancer of violence. In addition, nutritious apricot seeds to strengthen the respiratory system so that it can reduce cough and asthma . But should diketahu that apricot seeds tip of a concentrate containing a chemical element which can cause imbalances in the body so must be avoided.

Apricot fruit also has a high enough fiber can be used as a reliever as diarrhea or constipation. While in China, the fruit is commonly used to assist the regeneration of body fluids, detoxifying, and healing remedy for thirst.

When concluded, the following nutritional benefits of fruit and apricots:

  • Reduce cholesterol and risk of cancer
  • Strengthens the respiratory system and reduce the risk of coughs and asthma
  • Diarrhea and constipation reliever
  • Assist the regeneration of body fluids, detoxifying, and healing thirst.

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Benefits of Apple Fruit

Apples are one fruit that is easily found in various parts of the world. Chance is not more than seven thousand types of apples around the world. Although the shape, size, color, flavor, and texture of each different type of apple, but in general the fruit is rounded at the base of the basin reach so. White flesh, crisp, juicy with sweet or sour, and is protected by a thin skin is usually light shine. When cut, will come out good aroma and fresh, although there are some sharp-scented.

A portion of apples contain more potassium, pectin, and cellulose. Abundant pectin in apple flesh and is one of the fiber does not dissolve in water. Cellulose while many apples on the skin and is water-soluble fiber. Potassium own abundant in red apples.

Here are the nutrition and benefits of apples:

Reduce the risk of stroke .
Potassium is a mineral that works to improve the regularity of heart rate, activating muscle contractions, regulating delivery of nutrients to the cells, control fluid balance in tissues and cells of the body, and helps regulate blood pressure. According to research, a portion of apples could reduce the risk of stroke up to 40%.

Alternative food for dieters energetic and controlling the disease diabetes .
Pectin can form a gel in the gut until the time required to move food waste from the mouth to the anus becomes longer and longer time a person becomes satiated. In addition, it also could slow the entry of glucose from the digestion of carbohydrates into the bloodstream so it can control your diabetes.

Reduce the risk of heart attack .
Pectin also binds a variety of substances, including cholesterol , and reduce the absorption from the intestinal tract. This form of fiber can lower blood cholesterol levels. According to research, the pectin in apples may lower LDL cholesterol to 10% and decrease HDL cholesterol and 20%, which is both a cause of heart attacks.

Clean the teeth.
Feel crisp apples can help relieve the sticky material on the teeth, thus triggering the production of saliva, so as to clean the teeth.

It should be noted that the apples that have been processed normally fiber structure is broken, so, if for the needs of health / medicine, we recommend consuming fresh apples, not treatment.

Jumat, 04 November 2011

benefits of Avocado Fruit

Including special avocado fruit because it contains 20-30 times more fat than other fruits. The amount of fat can provide enough energy when consumed. Type of fat they contain is unsaturated fat, which happens easily digestible and useful to the body. Thus, the avocado Provide a high enough energy behind it a savory and delicious and not bitter.

If sorted, the nutrients contained an avocado fruit is as follows: 95 mg Phosphorus: 23 mg Calcium: 1.4 mg of iron; 9 mg Sodium: 1.3 mg of potassium; 8.6 mg Niacin: 660 mg of vitamin A; and 82 mg of vitamin C.

In addition to fat-rich fruits, avocado is also rich in minerals which are all useful to regulate body functions and stimulate growth. Iron and copper contained in it helps the process of regeneration of red blood and prevent anemia . Also, simultaneous fiber content helps digestion. In addition, it can lower cholesterol because it contains high carbohydrate and unsaturated fat.

If concluded, the following health benefits of avocado for our bodies:
  • Sources of vitamin E and B
  • Lowering blood cholesterol
  • Moisturize the skin
  • Assist the regeneration of red blood
  • Prevent anemia
  • Prevent constipation
  • Prevent malnutrition
  • Source of unsaturated fat

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Benefits of Vegetables

Gallery of Fruit

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Benefits of Fruits

Fruits and vegetables have long known to contain many substances and vitamins that are beneficial to our body, thus, the use of herbal ingredients is believed to be an alternative treatment in medical body at a cost that is more affordable because the material can be easily found around us. Here is a list of benefits and properties of the fruit and vegetables for the body, including to simply maintain the health and vitality of the body, and also to prevent and cure the disease being intrusive
  1. Benefits of Aplle
  2. Benefits of Apricot
  3. Benefits of Ambarella
  4. Benefits of Avocado
  5. Benefits of Bananas
  6. Benefits of Duku 
  7. Benefits of Durian
  8. Benefits of Cashew
  9. Benefits of Chocolate
  10. Benefits of Coconut 
  11. Benefits of Coffee
  12. Benefits of Cucumber
  13. Benefits of Grapes
  14. Benefits of Guava
  15. Benefits of Jackfruit
  16. Benefits of Jengkol
  17. Benefits of Logan
  18. Benefits of Lychee
  19. Benefits of Mangoes
  20. Benefits of Mangosteen
  21. Benefits of Noni
  22. Benefits of Nutmeg 
  23. Benefits of Oranges
  24. Benefits of Papaya
  25. Benefits of Petai
  26. Benefits of Pineapple
  27. Benefits of Pomegranate 
  28. Benefits of Rambutan
  29. Benefits of Salacca
  30. Benefits of Sapodilla
  31. Benefits of Soursop
  32. Benefits of Star fruit
  33. Benefits of Squash
  34. Benefits of Tamarind 
  35. Benefits of Watermelon

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